2011年4月4日 星期一

男生也撒嬌嗎?Little Bee Can Vividly Express Himself


To celebrate the Children's Day, which is April 4 (in Taiwan), we're conducting a series of activities. Well, what we have done and/or what we're going to do next, I might not openly tell all in detail. But from the pictures below, you (my dearest readers) may be pleased to learn that my grandson Little Bee is very expressive! (And therefore, so impressive!)

大家都知道,兒童是國家未來的主人翁。而今年的兒童節,我們家既然增添了一名可愛又好玩 [註:好字可讀第 3 或 4 聲] 的小男生,當然要全家一起來好好慶祝一番囉!. . . . . . 慶祝的方式,容我暫時保留。但從以下的照片,諸位讀者大可發現,我家新成員「小蜜蜂」的動作和表情有多麼炫!

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