2010年10月5日 星期二



This morning Jean and I visited Xitou again. We took a different path, Bird-Watching Trail (賞鳥步道), to start getting up the hill. At the end of the Bird-Watching Trail, we continued to walk up along the so-called Hiking Trail (登山步道), which is one of the two most challenging trails in the whole of Xitou Nature Education Area (溪頭自然教育園區). [The other trail that is graded "challenge class" is Forest Bath Trail (森林浴步道), which we already conquered the other day!] Although we walked terribly slowly, we did fulfill ourselves by walking all the way up and down the hill, and we did have some sense of achievement when returning home.


2010年10月5日再度遊溪頭,這回我倆所採擷的是.........請看圖片編號 002(共 6 張)。
Well, for more information, look at the pictures numbered 002 (below).

  學名稱為 datura stramonium 的「曼陀羅花」有許多別號,例如:醉心花狗核桃醉仙桃瘋茄兒南洋金花山茄子鳳茄花朝鮮牽牛花

  根據網路版的《維基百科》,其英文名稱也是千變萬化(千奇百怪);除了叫作 thorn apple (帶刺蘋果) 之外,亦稱為: jimson weed (???), devil's trumpet (魔鬼的喇叭), devil's weed (魔鬼的菸捲或野草), tolguacha (???), Jamestown weed (詹姆斯鎮的野草), stinkseed (臭草籽), locoweed (瘋草), datura (曼陀羅屬植物), moonflower (月光花), 在南非還有 malpitte (???) 和 mad seeds (瘋狂的種子) 等名號呢!


又註:據查,除了草本曼陀羅花外,還有木本曼陀羅,木本曼陀羅與草本曼陀羅同科同屬,一般為灌木或小喬木。與草本的曼陀羅不同的是,木本曼陀羅花筒較長,能長到20~35公分,花朵下垂,有芳香果木實質不裂。由於花朵形態優美,狀如喇叭,所以英文名為Angel's Trumpet (天使的喇叭)

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