2010年10月8日 星期五

English Sentences Noted (031--040)

---- The following English Sentences are noted by Warren Sevander in English and Jerry Liang in Chinese, which have been put onto the website of St. James' Language Institute.

31. It's six of one and a half-dozen of another.

The expression in red can be used to describe a comparison that is thought to mean the same thing, or when two options would produce the same result. The contraction combines the words "it" and "is."


「台斤」一斤 16 兩,半斤等於 8 兩。當兩者相較,不相上下、無分軒輊,或勢均力敵、平分秋色時,便可如此說----因為一打 12 個,半打等於 6 個。

32. I can't believe that you lied to me again; that's the last straw.

A famous story describes a camel whose back was broken when it was used to carry too much straw. The words in red are used to let someone know that a behavior is not acceptable and that you will no longer tolerate it. The contractions combine the words "can" and "not," and "that" and "is."


還記得「壓到駱駝的最後一根稻草」那則故事嗎?句中 the last straw 就是那最後一根稻草,用來警告對方:「我已忍無可忍,這是你最後一次耍我了。」

33. This could be the start of something big.

This sentence is a very often used expression. It is used when something successful has just happened, and there is the hope and potential for more success in the future. The expression can be used in business or in personal relationships.



34. The story was just more of the same.

The words in red are an expression that can be used when what has happened, or what has been said is just like what has been experienced before. There is nothing new: no new ideas, no new thoughts. A series of books, or movies, where the characters don't change would be examples of where this expression can be used.


More of the same 形容所發生的事,或所說過的話,跟先前的情況雷同,了無新意。一系列的書或電影,其中的角色要是過於類似,便是 more of the same 了。

35. Here we go again.

This is a sentence said many times when what you are about to experience is just like what you have experienced before, like when listening to someone's often-used explanation for why something did not get done on time or why they are late.


本句可採直譯,指壞事兒「又開始了」。中文的「老套」有 the same old stuff (or story); old ways(同樣的玩意兒、故事、舊方法)等含義;屬貶義之詞。

36. She is killing him with kindness.

This type of sentence is used to describe someone who for whatever reason is being extra nice to another person . . . to gain that person's favor. This could happen in a work environment, or oftentimes in a relationship when one person either wants to make the other interested in them, or wants to apologize for some offense.

1. 她會寵壞了他。 2.(為討他歡心)她對他百依百順、特別殷勤。


37. Don't forget to dot the "i's" and cross the "t's."

This is a sentence that is used to describe something that needs a lot of attention to detail. It means to be thorough.


有時,連最微小之處都得留意,以免「因小失大」釀成錯誤。原句中的 i's 和 t's 代表要「加上」或「刪除」那小小一撇,都是學問;應一絲不苟、重視細節才是。

38. He left no stone unturned when doing his research.

The words in red are used in a variety of situations. The police may do a complete investigation. A person may look in every conceivable location for something that was lost. A student may read extensively about a subject before writing a report.


Left no stone unturned字面義為:翻遍每塊石頭。舉凡研究生博覽群籍、警方做詳盡無遺的調查、或你我翻箱倒櫃找尋失落的物品等,皆可用此片語來形容。

39. Don't cry over spilled milk.

Sometimes, a child cries when they reach for something at the table and knock over the cup that had their milk in it. Once something like that happens, little can be done except to clean up the spill. It does no good to cry about it. This is a lesson people need to learn over and over again as they go through life: be careful.



40. I've had it up to here with that !

A person might be angry about another person's repeated inappropriate behavior. Or, a person could be upset because something does not work correctly. That person could angrily say the words in red and at the same time tap beneath their chin with their fingertips. The contraction "I've" combines the words "I" and "have."



---- The above English Sentences are noted by Warren Sevander in English and Jerry Liang in Chinese, which have been put onto the website of St. James' Language Institute.

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