2010年10月22日 星期五

Little Bee's Fifth Day (with 6 pictures)


This morning Little Bee's grandpa, driving with extra care, took Little Bee back to the hospital for a follow-up examination. The 5-day-old boy was too tiny to use the basket-like safety seat while riding in a car, so his grandma hugged him very carefully . . . sitting in the back seat! Thankfully, the little boy slept soundly all the way to the hospital, from which he and his mother had just left for a postnatal care center yesterday.

The grandparents of Little Bee wanted his mother to take a rest at the postnatal care center this morning. She had been too tired from the childbirth to come with them, they thought. And, meanwhile, Little Bee's father has to go to work today. That's why this "senior couple" -- grandpa and grandma -- had the "privilege" to "escort" the baby boy by themselves. (What if the boy cries for milk? See the pictures below, and you'll know that everything needed has been prepared.)

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1 則留言:

qwert 提到...

小寶貝鳳眼 大耳 寬額
好可愛 好命相